CROSS, K. W. Respiratory control in the neonatal period 126 MCCARTHY, E. F. Hemoglobin and iron in the fetal and newborn mammal 133 WALKER, JAMES. Fetal and adult hemoglobin in the blood of the human fetus 141 RAIHA, C-E. Tissue metabolism in the human fetus 143 MILLER, J. A., JR. Effects of Variations in Body Temperature Upon to Asphyxia in the Neonatal Guinea Pig 152 MCCANCE, R. A., and WIDDOWSON, E. M. Water metabolism 155 MCCANCE, R. A., and WIDDOWSON, E. M. Metabolism and renal function in the first two days of life 161 JOST, ALFRED. Hormonal factors in the development of the fetus 167 HOET, JOSEPH P. Adrenocortical function in infants of diabetic mothers 182 VILLEE, CLAUDE A. The intermediary metabolism of human fetal tissues 186 POPJÃK, G. The origin of fetal lipids 200 CHINARD, FRANCIS P. Biochemical evaluation 209 HUGGETT, A. ST. G. Physiological evaluation 212 SMITH, CLEMENT A. Application to the newborn infant 214