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The Symposia, 1933 — 2003

1952:   The Neuron, Vol. XVII

Organizer: Milislav Demerec


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List of Participants    ixIntroduction BODIAN, DAVID. Introductory survey of neurons    1 TOBIAS, JULIAN M. Some optically detectable consequences of activity in nerve    15 FRANKENHAEUSER, BERNHARD. The hypothesis of saltatory conduction    27 TASAKI, I. Conduction of impulses in the myelinated nerve fiber    37 Properties of Nerve Axons I HODGKIN, A. L., and HUXLEY, A. F. Movement of sodium and potassium ions during nervous activity    43 BRINK, FRANK, BRONK, D. W., CARLSON, F. D., and CONNELLY, C. M. The oxygen uptake of active axons    53 LORENTE DE NÓ, R. Observations on the properties of the epineurium of frog Nerve    299 Properties of Nerve Axons IIMONNIER, A. M. The damping factor as a functional criterion in nerve physiology    69 SHEDLOVSKY, THEODORE. Electromotive force from proton transfer reactions: A model for Bioelectric phenomena    97THERMAN, P.-O. Electrotonic potentials and excitability changes in nerve    103 Peripheral Origins of Nervous Activity HUNT, CARLTON C. Muscle stretch receptors; peripheral mechanisms and reflex function    113 HARTLINE, H. K., WAGNER, HENRY G., and MACNICHOL, E. F. JR. The peripheral origin of nervous activity in the visual system    125 DAVIS, H., TASAKI, I., and GOLDSTEIN, R. The peripheral origin of activity, with reference to the ear    143 The Neuron Soma

WIERSMA, C. A. G. Neurons of Arthropods    155

OTTOSON, D., and SVAETICHIN, G. Electrophysiological investigations of the frog retina    165

ECCLES, J. C. The electrophysiological properties of the motoneurone    175

WOODBURY, J. WALTER, and PATTON, HARRY D. Electrical activity, with reference to the ear    143

Cortical and Spinal Neurons

CHANG, HSIANG-TUNG. Cortical neurons with particular reference to the apical dendrites    189

LLOYD, DAVID P. C. Electrotonus in dorsal nerve roots    203

BERNHARD, CARL GUSTAF. The cord dorsum potentials in relation to peripheral source of afferent stimulation    221

Spinal Cord and Sympathetic Ganglia

SKOGLUND, C. R. Factors that modify transmission thru the spinal cord    233

LARRABEE, MARTIN G., and BRONK, DETLEV W. Metabolic requirements of sympathetic neurons    245

Junctional Transmission

BULLOCK, THEODORE H. The invertebrate neuron junction    267

FATT, P., and KATZ, B. Some problems of neuro-muscular transmission    275

KUFFLER, STEPHEN W. Neurons in the retina: Organization, inhibition and excitation problems    281


KARREMAN, G., and LANDAHL, H. D. On the mathematical biology of excitation phenomena    293