REED, SHELDON C. Concluding remarks of the chairman 205 Genetic Analysis of Racial Traits (III) RACE, R. R. The eight blood group systems and their inheritance 207 MOURANT, A. E. The blood groups of the peoples of the Mediterranean area 221 BOYD, W. C. Three general types of racial characteristics 233 OLIVER, CLARENCE P. Concluding remarks of the chairman 243 Race Concept and Human Races COON, CARLETON STEVENS. Human races in relation to environment and culture with special refer- ence to the influence of culture upon genetic changes in human populations 247 BIRDSELL, JOSEPH B. Some implications of the genetical concept of, race in terms of spatial analysis 259 MONTAGU, M. F. ASHLEY. A consideration of the concept of race 315 LUNDMAN, BERTIL. Anthropological maps of the Nordic countries 337 ANGEL, J. LAWRENCE. Population size and microevolution in Greece 343 DUNN, L.C. Concluding remarks of the chairman 353 Constitution GARN, STANLEY MARION. The constitutional modification of mendelian traits in man 355 SELTZER, CARL C. Constitutional aspects of juvenile delinquency 361 SHELDON, WILLIAM H. The somatotype, the morphophenotype and morphogenotype 373 HOOTON, E. A. Concluding remarks of the chairman 383 Perspectives of Future Research DOBZHANSKY, THEODOSIUS. Human diversity and adaptation 385 KLOCKHOHN, CLYDE, and GRIFFITH, CHARLES. Population genetics and social anthropology 401 STEM, CURT. Concluding remarks of the chairman 409