1949: Amino Acids and Proteins, Vol. XIV
Organizer: Milislav Demerec
FOREWORD v LIST OF PARTICIPANTS vii BULL, HENRY B. Hydrolysis of proteins 1 CANN, JOHN R., and KIRKWOOD, JOHN G. The fractionation of proteins by electrophoresis-convection 9 CRAIG, LYMAN C., GREGORY, J. DELAFIELD, and BARRY, Guy T. Studies on polypeptides and amino acids by countercurrent distribution 24 DANIELLI, J. F. Studies on the cytochemistry of proteins 32 EMERSON, STERLING. Competitive reactions and antagonisms in the biosynthesis of amino acids by Neurospora 40 FROMAGEOT, CLAUDE. The quantitative analysis of amino acids in proteins: insulin and lysozyme 49 FRUTON, JOSEPH S., AND SIMMONDS, SOFIA. The metabolism of peptides 55 HODGKIN, DOROTHY CROWFOOT. X-ray analysis and protein structure 65 HUGHES, WALTER L., JR. Protein mercaptides 79 KAUFMANN, BERWIND P., GAY, HELEN, and MCDONALD, MARGARET R. Localization of cellular proteins by enzymatic hydrolysis 85 KESTON, ALBERT S., and UDENFRIEND, SWNEY. The application of the isotopic derivative method to the analysis of proteins 92
KLOTZ, IRVING M. The nature of some ion-protein complexes 97 LEVY, MILTON, and SLOBODIANSKY, EVELYN. The application of the isotopic derivative technic to the study of protein structure 113 LINDERSTRØM-LANG, K. Structure and enzymatic break-down of proteins 117 LUCK, J. MURRAY. The liver proteins 127 PEDERSEN, KAI O. Size relationship among similar proteins. Association and dissociation reactions of Protein units 140 SANGER, F. Some chemical investigations on the structure of insulin 153 SHEMIN, DAVW. Some aspects of the biosynthesis of amino acids 161 SMITH, EMIL L., and LUMRY, RUFUS. Some consideration of the interaction of the metal peptidases with their substrates 168 STEIN, WILLIAM H., and MOORE, STANFORD. Chromatographic determination of the amino acid composition of proteins 179 SYNGE, R. L. M. Physical and chemical studies of gramicidin and some implications for the study of proteins 191 ZAMECNIK, PAUL C., and FRANTZ, IVAN D., JR. Peptide bond synthesis in normal and malignant tissue 199